I am sorry to say that Peter was not very well during the evening. His mother put him to bed, and made some camomile tea: and she gave a dose of it to Peter! “One table-spoon to be taken at bed-time.” But Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail had bread and milk and blackberries for supper.
From The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter
In the afternoons we would walk over to our neighbor’s house. As we entered her home, we were greeted with the smell of freshly baked muffins and the sounds of classical music in the background. The table was set with a lovely white linen tablecloth, blue china she found at an antique shop, and fresh flowers in a beautiful vase. We felt like the most honored guests for the simplest of occasions—afternoon poetry and teatime. Chamomile tea was poured in our delicate tea cups, honey and milk were passed around, and a delicious muffin was set on our plate. Our dear neighbor would begin reading her book of poetry while we ate and sipped. It was a treasured and dreamy time.
Do you enjoy chamomile tea? The soothing apple and sweet honey flavor is a delight. Chamomile has been found to help with insomnia, anxiety, and digestive upsets. Peter Rabbit’s mama gave him tea to settle his tummy and to help him sleep. We were pleasantly surprised to find how easy it was to grow our own chamomile indoors, so naturally we had to give it a go.

What you will need:
Seeds or seedlings: We use the German variety of chamomile and found our organic and heirloom seeds at our local nursery. Alternatively we found seedlings ready to ship on Etsy.
Soil: Always spend the extra money on healthy, organic soil.
Terra cotta pots: They are the best pots for breathability.
How to grow chamomile:
Fill pots with soil.
The seeds are very tiny and can be gently pressed into the soil. Keep soil evenly moist and place pots in the sun.
Once blossomed, harvest the open flowers in the morning, and lay them out to dry inside on a paper towel.
Once dry, store them in a sealed container until ready to brew.
Place dried flowers in a tea ball and steep for 5 minutes. Add milk or honey to taste and enjoy.

The flowers can also be dried for floral arrangements, pressed for crafts, or woven into charming wreaths. Leaves are edible too, and can be tossed into salads. Enjoy growing this sweet and useful flower. And happy teatime! xo